DLT | Significant developments at EU and national level EU Regulation now applicable As of 23 March 2023, Regulation (EU) 2022/858 on a pilot regime for market infrastructures based on distributed ledger technology (the “DLT Pilot Regime Regulation”) is ap...
Vers la fin du harcèlement moral dans les entreprises? Le projet de loi portant introduction d’un dispositif relatif à la protection contre le harcèlement moral lors des relations de travail a été adopté le 9 mars dernier. Il aura fallu plus d’un an et de...
Pacta sunt servanda ou le risque de devenir victime de sa propre loi Les difficultés du contexte économique actuel n’auront échappé à personne, et certainement pas aux professionnels de l’immobilier. Les prix des matériaux augmentent considérablement, leurs délais de l...
Parliament votes to reform Luxembourg arbitration law: what you need to know about the new law The Luxembourg Parliament voted on 23 March 2023 to reform and modernise Luxembourg arbitration law through changes to the New Code of Civil Procedure. The new law will take effect after it is publish...
Spring brings Luxembourg new arbitration law to life On 23 March 2023, the Luxembourg parliament adopted a new arbitration regime, ushering in a new era of arbitration. The new law amends a large part of the code of civil procedure and implements a mode...
The Law of 22 June 2022 on the management and recovery of seized or confiscated assets: what are the consequences for the professionals? The Law of 22 June 2022 on the management and recovery of seized or confiscated assets (the "Law of 2022"), which entered into force on 5 July 2022, aims at completing the transposition of Directive 2...
Luxembourg: Recent legal developments in Real Estate Introduction The Luxembourg legislator and administration have brought several legislative changes impacting the real estate industry in Luxembourg, and further legal initiatives have been announced i...
Lawyers and agile management. Are you ready to Scrum? (Part. II) In this article, we only aim to provide a very high level view of Scrum, to start the thinking process. The methodology is, of course, a bit more complicated, but still fairly easy. In Scrum, which is...
Lawyers and agile management. Are you ready to Scrum? (Part. I) A year later, the software has been well adopted and every day we are improving our use of it and are on a good road to become a more agile law firm. Agile is a project management methodology that has...
Luxembourg vertical price-fixing decision overturned on appeal Elvinger Hoss Prussen assisted a large Luxembourgish supermarket group in obtaining the annulment of a decision by the Luxembourg Competition Authority imposing a fine for an alleged vertical price-fi...
Secondment of workers: new rules Given the highly mobile nature of the transport sector, drivers are not generally posted for long periods of time to another Member State under service contracts. EU Directive 2020/1057 of 15 July 202...
Le nouveau visage de la liberté d’expression des salariés à la lumière de l’affaire LuxLeaks La Cour Européenne des Droits de l’Homme a jugé que la liberté d’expression de Raphaël Halet n’avait pas été respectée par le Luxembourg. Nouveau rebondissement dans l’affaire Luxleaks. La Cour Europé...