Securitisation entities within the meaning of the EU Securitisation Regulation no longer exempt from the interest limitation rules Yesterday, a draft law was presented to Parliament in order to remove the exemption applicable to securitisation entities within the meaning of EU Regulation 2017/2402 of 12 December 2017 (the “EU Sec...
Contestation d’une modification du contrat de travail, motif réel et sérieux? La contestation, de la part d’un salarié, de la modification des conditions de travail par l’employeur constitue-t-elle une faute de nature à justifier un licenciement avec préavis? Les heures de trav...
New EU economic sanctions against Russia EU institutions announced that the EU will respond with economic sanctions against those involved in Russian action against Ukraine. On 21 February 2022, the Russian President recognised the independe...
Bill on the Use of Digital Tools and Processes in Company Law Brought Before the Luxembourg Parliament Bill No 7968 (the "Bill") transposing Directive (EU) 2019/1151 of the European Parliament and the Council of 20 June 2019 (the "Directive") amending Directive (EU) 2017/1132 as regards the use of digi...
Virtual assets: CSSF and ESMA positions 1. ESMA FAQ on AIFMD: investment in crypto-assets In the November 2021 update of its FAQ on AIFMD , ESMA answered the question of whether the managers of undertakings investing in crypto-assets are su...
Décision d’inaptitude et absence de démarches de l’employeur : faute grave ? Salarié capable de reprendre le travail selon le médecin-conseil du Contrôle Médical de la Sécurité Sociale (CMSS)… mais inapte à son poste de travail selon le médecin du travail : quel comportement l...
S’adapter aux évolutions constantes de la législation COVID-19 Avec la nouvelle loi du 11 février 2022, le législateur luxembourgeois a une fois de plus changé les règles du jeu en modifiant la Loi du 17 juillet 2020 portant introduction d’une série de mesures de...
Draft law 7825 amending the Securitisation Law has been passed! The amendments to the law of 22 March 2004 on securitisation (the “Securitisation Law”) proposed by the much awaited draft law 7825 (the "Draft Law") are an encouraging development for investors, orig...
LUXEMBOURG: RECENT LEGAL DEVELOPMENTS IN REAL ESTATE I. INTRODUCTION The recent months have brought a variety of legislative changes impacting the real estate industry in Luxembourg, and further legal initiatives have been announced in draft bills. Furt...
Application of ESMA’s Guidelines on Marketing Communications for AIFs and UCITS from 2 February 2022 The introduction of the concept of pre-marketing was one of the more widely discussed elements of the Cross Border Distribution Directive (and Regulation); however, it went further and introduced a nu...
Premier regard sur le projet de loi concernant les lanceurs d’alerte SOMMAIRE Un projet de loi vient d’être déposé pour transposer la directive européenne sur les lanceurs d’alerte ( whistleblowing ). Le but est de protéger les lanceurs d’alerte contre toutes les forme...
Admissibility of a court case filed by a trainee lawyer | Judgment of higher administrative court On 11 November 2021, the Higher Administrative Court (Cour administrative) issued a judgment on an appeal lodged by a taxpayer against a judgment of the Lower Administrative Court (Tribunal administra...